An excellent way to start your evening, this rice gruel with assorted veggies and spices would be just the calming meal you're looking for this season.



    ¾ cup raw rice

Salt and water, as required


2 tbsp oil


1 stick of cinnamon
2 cloves


2 tbsp cut pearl onions
2 tbsp cut carrot
1 tbsp cut beans
1 pinch garam masala powder
1 tbsp black gram powder


1 cup grated coconut
4 pearl onions
1 tsp cumin


2 tbsp ghee

Rinse the rice well, add salt and water and cook

    Heat the ingredients listed under 3 in oil and sauté. Add ingredients listed under 4. Add this mix to the rice gruel being cooked and stir well

    Add some water to the ingredients under 5 and grind lightly. Squeeze to extract thick coconut milk

    Add coconut milk to the cooked rice and stir

    Add ghee when fully cooked and mix well

    Remove from heat, serve hot

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