How to make chukku kappi aka dry ginger coffee

It is that season when the nature soaks itself in the rigorous showers brought by the southwest monsoon showers over Kerala, or what we fondly call as 'Edavapathi'. The wet and chilly mornings would make you crave for a steaming cup of coffee, with a dash of spices and nostalgia.

With the Monsoon all set to go off, and the fever season being here already, it is time to go for a cup of grandma's chukku kappi, a solution for various ailments including cold and cough.

1 tsp coffee powder
1 tsp dried ginger powder
1/4 tsp pepper powder
2 tbsp palm jaggery (karuppatti)
4 holy basil leaves (optional)
Water, as required

Heat water in a sauce pan
Add all ingredients except coffee powder and let it boil
Turn off the stove and stir in the coffee powder
Steaming chukku kappi is ready!

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