Easily peel boiled eggs with just a spoon!

Hard boiled eggs. Photo: iStock/Charlie4mav

Nutrition experts emphasize the health benefits of eating a boiled egg every day, as eggs are rich in protein and essential nutrients, making them ideal for boosting immunity in both children and adults. Boiled eggs are packed with vitamin A, folate, vitamins B5, B12, and B, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, and zinc. Moreover, they are an excellent source of protein and vitamin D, which promote strong bones and teeth.

Boiling eggs is a simple task, but peeling them can sometimes be challenging, with the egg white often sticking to the shell. If you've been struggling to find an easy way to peel boiled eggs, a trending hack on social media might be the solution.

Chef Anatolii Dobrovolskyi, inspired by a video of a street food vendor effortlessly removing eggshells with a spoon, decided to put the hack to the test. After boiling and cooling the egg, he removed a small portion of the shell and gently inserted a spoon between the egg white and the shell, rotating it to remove the shell without damaging the egg.

The video showcasing this hack has garnered widespread praise, with many commending the chef for sharing such a useful tip and being open to learning from others despite his culinary expertise. Additionally, viewers have shared their own egg-peeling hacks and tips, such as boiling the egg for approximately eight minutes and then dipping it in plain water before making cracks equally on all sides.  

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