The best way to preserve the mangoes during the season is to pickle them. Even though you could make lots of dishes, dry them or soak them in brine, everyone loves a spicy pickle that adds oodles of flavour to your lunch or dinner. There are millions of pickle recipes online that are easy to cook and tasty too. Various kinds of spices and ingredients are used in those recipes to make the perfect mango pickle. However, in order to keep the pickles fresh and edible for a long time, you need to follow certain tips.
Clean the mangoes
Wash the mangoes well before making the pickle. This would destroy the bacteria and viruses that could make the pickle go stale easily.
Dry under sun
Spread the washed mango pieces under the sun to dry them and remove the moisture. You could dry them under the sun for two or three days.
Toast the masalas
The moisture content in the masala spices could form molds in the pickle. So, toast the masala in hot oil for a few minutes before adding into the pickle. Besides, this adds a unique aroma to the dish.
Use oil
There is no need to limit the use of oil while cooking pickles. Adding more oil would ensure that the pickle tastes good and remain edible for a longer time.
Store in air-tight containers
Transfer the pickle into glass bottles or containers only after it has cooled down nicely. These containers should be cleaned and dried under the sun in order to remove any moisture content. Always use a clean and dry spoon to scoop out the pickle from the container.