In case you do not have the time to cook these elaborate meals, then stick to dishes that could be easily cooked yet has all the required nutrients.

In case you do not have the time to cook these elaborate meals, then stick to dishes that could be easily cooked yet has all the required nutrients.

In case you do not have the time to cook these elaborate meals, then stick to dishes that could be easily cooked yet has all the required nutrients.

Eating proper meals at the right time is essential to lead a healthy life. Skipping meals, citing busy schedules or lack of time, isn’t a great practice as it would affect our well-being. Having an idea about the nutrient value of the food that you eat would help you analyse your eating habits. Health experts warn against skipping breakfast which is the first meal that you eat after fasting for over twelve years. Breakfast is the main meal of the day that supplies essential nutrients and the energy required for the day.

However, make sure that you eat breakfast at a proper time. Dishes like idli, appam and puttu with curries are wholesome breakfast meals. In case you do not have the time to cook these elaborate meals, then stick to dishes that could be easily cooked yet has all the required nutrients. These are some of the breakfast items that could be prepared in a jiffy.


Bread – omelette, milk, banana

Bread slices contain carbohydrates and eggs are storehouses of protein. Meanwhile, bananas have minerals in them. If you eat four bread slices with omelette and a banana, there is no need to consume milk; instead, you could drink a glass of milk before you go to bed at night.


Oats, egg or boiled mung beans

Cook the oats in water and then add the milk as required. Oats contain healthy fibres. In case you are allergic to eggs, then you could eat boiled mung beans or chickpeas with some coconut.


Bread – butter – jam

Sandwich made with tomato, onion and carrot filling is a healthy option. You could also try soy milk butter or peanut butter for that healthy dose of protein. There is no trans fat in soy milk butter. However, make sure that butter is consumed in moderation. Jams made using fresh fruits are excellent.

Plantain, milk

Ripe plantain could be consumed as it is or steamed. A glass of milk with it would make a complete meal. Add grated coconut, cashews, almonds and peanuts in mashed steamed plantain would make it delicious and healthier too.