3 Mediterranean dishes that help fight over-exposure to air pollution
This antioxidant rich diet, can weaken the adverse effects of exposure to high levels of air pollution, a study says.
This antioxidant rich diet, can weaken the adverse effects of exposure to high levels of air pollution, a study says.
This antioxidant rich diet, can weaken the adverse effects of exposure to high levels of air pollution, a study says.
According to a recent study, one of the best ways to reduce the adverse effects of air pollution is to add some Mediterranean dishes to your food regime. Mediterranean diet is known for their use of whole grains, fruits, legumes, olive oil and a whole lot of fresh ingredients.
This antioxidant rich diet, can weaken the adverse effects of exposure to high levels of air pollution, a study says.
The study, presented at the American Thoracic Society 2018 International Conference in San Diego, showed that people who least adhered to these antioxidant-rich foods had 17 per cent higher risk of cardiovascular disease related deaths for every 10 micrograms per cubic meter increase in long-term average PM2.5 exposure, compared to 5 per cent in those who consumed such diet.
Try out three recipes from the Mediterranean cuisine that will gear up your body against the health threats of modern day world.
Made from cooked, mashed chickpeas blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic, hummus is originally a Levantine and Egyptian dip. Get a hold of this lovely ragi pita bread recipe and pair it with dewy soft hummus.
Broken wheat, olive oil, lime extract, parsley, mint and finely chopped vegetables are the basic ingredients that make the Tabbouleh, as fresh as the hilly slopes of Lebanon. The Fattoush is also as popular as the Tabbouleh. Both the salads, believed to have originated from Lebanon’s mountains, are the top eats in the Gulf.
A cold semolina pudding with sugar syrup and pistachio nut topping, this Arabic dessert is worth a try during the weekends when your palate yearns for something new. Layali Labnan/Lubnan is a healthier dessert option to go for.