On the ocassion of Vinayaka Chathurthi, Methil Devika released a teaser of her first dance documentary short film ‘Sarpatatwam'.

On the ocassion of Vinayaka Chathurthi, Methil Devika released a teaser of her first dance documentary short film ‘Sarpatatwam'.

On the ocassion of Vinayaka Chathurthi, Methil Devika released a teaser of her first dance documentary short film ‘Sarpatatwam'.

Artiste Methil Devika probably needs no introduction. The dancer was barely three when she first performed on stage. Now, on the ocassion of Vinayaka Chathurthi, Methil Devika released a teaser of her first dance documentary short film ‘Sarpatatwam,' The Serpent Wisdom.

Sharing the 38-second video on her Facebook page, she revealed that the short film will be screened first in Los Angeles at Regency Theatres.


Further, she thanked her crew behind the video, Methil Devika wrote, “I want to first thank Mukeshettan for his support. And the rest of my team for their hard work particularly my director Rajesh Kadamba who has put his heart and soul into this, my DOP Vipin Chandran for the great visuals and my editor Alby Nataraj. Also my gratitude to my sisters Radhika Pillai and Methil Renuka for their persistent interest in my work. This documentary short will have a mainstream release in India.” (sic.)

Watch the video below: