All 'Ramanan' fans out there, your hero is making a return!

All 'Ramanan' fans out there, your hero is making a return!

"For all those who keep my Ramanan close to their hearts, your hero is coming back on big screen soon," Harisree Ashokan told Onmanorama.

Ashokan's character Ramanan, from the Rafi and Mecartin-directorial Punjabi House (1998), has become a cult hit on social media platforms, thanks to the abundance of 'memes' on him. Ramanan, who is a supporting character in the movie, has been elevated to the status of a super hero on social media. "But this time," the actor adds, "Ramanan is returning alone." 

Ashokan thanked the netizens and youngsters for the support they offer.

"I am immensely happy for having done Ramanan. I just acted it out. The character was conceived by Rafi and Mecartin. They deserve the praise for it," he says.

"I have traveled to many countries. But wherever I go, Malayalis smile at their Ramanan, not me," Asokan adds. 

Ashokan also expressed his happiness on seeing the innumerable number of trolls that carry Ramanan's face.

"It has been 18 years. Yet, Ramanan is still the young rebel who called his boss a bourgeois," he laughs. Though the actor kept the name of the movie, which brings back Ramanan, as a suspense, his delight in redoing his famous and favorite character was palpable.