Hit director Girish AD's movie 'I am Kathalan' is all set to start streaming on a major OTT platform. The movie stars 'Premalu' actor Naslen who essays the role of a hacker in the movie. This is Naslen's latest film with Girish who has directed him in movies like 'Premalu' and 'Super Saranya'.

Hit director Girish AD's movie 'I am Kathalan' is all set to start streaming on a major OTT platform. The movie stars 'Premalu' actor Naslen who essays the role of a hacker in the movie. This is Naslen's latest film with Girish who has directed him in movies like 'Premalu' and 'Super Saranya'.

Hit director Girish AD's movie 'I am Kathalan' is all set to start streaming on a major OTT platform. The movie stars 'Premalu' actor Naslen who essays the role of a hacker in the movie. This is Naslen's latest film with Girish who has directed him in movies like 'Premalu' and 'Super Saranya'.

Hit director Girish AD's movie 'I am Kathalan' is all set to start streaming on a major OTT platform. The movie stars 'Premalu' actor Naslen who essays the role of a hacker in the movie. This is Naslen's latest film with Girish who has directed him in movies like 'Premalu' and 'Super Saranya'. Unlike Girish's earlier trademark movies, which are mostly centred on romance between school and college-going students, the film is a techno thriller and follows a young engineering student who struggles to find a job due to his backlog papers.

Girish's storytelling style and Naslen's charm make the movie enjoyable. Read review. The movie also features Anishma, Lijomol Jose, Vineeth Vasudevan and Sajin Cherukayil, among others. Girish had initially planned to release 'I am Kathalan' prior to 'Premalu', but the project got stalled for several reasons. 'Premalu' featuring Naslen and Mamitha Baiju, went on to become a blockbuster. The movie is set completely in Hyderabad and revolves around a young college pass-out who hopes to secure a job in the city. He soon falls in love with an IT park employee.


'I am Kathalan' hit theatres on November 7. The movie has now locked its OTT release date and will start streaming on Manorama Max from January 17.