'Chandramukhi' makers have issued a No Objection Certificate (NOC) a day after reports emerged that actor Nayanthara did not take permission from Sivaji Productions for using clips from the film for her Netflix documentary ‘Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale.' The controversy started with well known

'Chandramukhi' makers have issued a No Objection Certificate (NOC) a day after reports emerged that actor Nayanthara did not take permission from Sivaji Productions for using clips from the film for her Netflix documentary ‘Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale.' The controversy started with well known

'Chandramukhi' makers have issued a No Objection Certificate (NOC) a day after reports emerged that actor Nayanthara did not take permission from Sivaji Productions for using clips from the film for her Netflix documentary ‘Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale.' The controversy started with well known

'Chandramukhi' makers have issued a No Objection Certificate (NOC) a day after reports emerged that actor Nayanthara did not take permission from Sivaji Productions for using clips from the film for her Netflix documentary ‘Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale.'

The controversy started with well known producer and actor Chitra Lakshmanan claiming in an interview to a You Tube channel that another legal notice had been sent to actress Nayanthara and to Netflix, seeking Rs five crores as compensation for using the footage of the film ‘Chandramukhi’ in the series on her wedding without proper permission.


Chitra Lakshmanan pointed out that this was the second notice to be slapped on the actress after actor Dhanush had sent a legal notice to Nayanthara for using a three-second clip shot on the sets of his film ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan’ without proper authorization.It may be recalled that Nayanthara had then responded to Dhanush’s notice with a stinging three-page statement, which stirred up a major controversy online.

However, this time around, Nayanthara has not responded herself but sources close to her have put out a copy of the ‘No objection certificate’ issued by Sivaji Productions, the firm that produced ‘Chandramukhi’, for public consumption. The letter, the subject of which reads, ‘No objection certificate/letter for video footage usage in Netflix documentary’, goes on to specify that it has no objection to a 13-second movie clip and a four-second song clip from the film being used in the Netflix documentary.


Tweeting a copy of the No Objection certificate, one of the sources wrote, “Proof to say that the permission to use the footage of ‘Chandramukhi’ was taken from Sivaji films. Rumour mills can stop working now.”