Yesteryear actor Suchitra paid a visit to Union Minister Suresh Gopi's house in Thiruvananthapuram recently. The actor who met with Suresh Gopi and his family was accompanied by her brother and filmmaker Deepu Karunakaran. Sharing pictures from the reunion, Suchitra wrote, “Meeting

Yesteryear actor Suchitra paid a visit to Union Minister Suresh Gopi's house in Thiruvananthapuram recently. The actor who met with Suresh Gopi and his family was accompanied by her brother and filmmaker Deepu Karunakaran. Sharing pictures from the reunion, Suchitra wrote, “Meeting

Yesteryear actor Suchitra paid a visit to Union Minister Suresh Gopi's house in Thiruvananthapuram recently. The actor who met with Suresh Gopi and his family was accompanied by her brother and filmmaker Deepu Karunakaran. Sharing pictures from the reunion, Suchitra wrote, “Meeting

Yesteryear actor Suchitra paid a visit to Union Minister Suresh Gopi's house in Thiruvananthapuram recently. The actor who met with Suresh Gopi and his family was accompanied by her brother and filmmaker Deepu Karunakaran. Sharing pictures from the reunion, Suchitra wrote, “Meeting Sureshetta…profound mixture of emotions – nostalgia, admiration, and touch of awe. This meeting sparked memories from the past also seeing how their abundant talents have shaped their path to leadership..This is not just a moment to reconnect but also learn from their evolution and the choices that led them to such a distinguished position. Respect Sureshetta and Radhi Chechi,” she wrote.

Interestingly, Suchitra was Radhika’s junior at college. Both families have shared a close bond since then. Suchitra also posted a picture along with actor Lalu Alex and revealed that she was seeing the actor 'after 25 years'. Suchitra is currently settled in the US with her family. She often visits Kerala during the holidays and calls on her former colleagues.