Veteran actor Mammootty visited the late scriptwriter and director M T Vasudevan Nair's home in Kozhikode on Friday. The actor who shared a close bond with the master storyteller spent 10 minutes offering his condolences to MT's wife Kalamandalam Saraswathi and their daughter Aswathy. Actor Ramesh

Veteran actor Mammootty visited the late scriptwriter and director M T Vasudevan Nair's home in Kozhikode on Friday. The actor who shared a close bond with the master storyteller spent 10 minutes offering his condolences to MT's wife Kalamandalam Saraswathi and their daughter Aswathy. Actor Ramesh

Veteran actor Mammootty visited the late scriptwriter and director M T Vasudevan Nair's home in Kozhikode on Friday. The actor who shared a close bond with the master storyteller spent 10 minutes offering his condolences to MT's wife Kalamandalam Saraswathi and their daughter Aswathy. Actor Ramesh

Veteran actor Mammootty visited the late scriptwriter and director M T Vasudevan Nair's home in Kozhikode on Friday. The actor who shared a close bond with the master storyteller spent 10 minutes offering his condolences to MT's wife Kalamandalam Saraswathi and their daughter Aswathy. Actor Ramesh Pisharody was also seen with the actor.
Mammootty and M T Vasudevan Nair have worked together on numerous films, while also maintaining a close friendship with each other beyond the silver screen. However, Mammootty could not attend MT's last rites since he was in Azerbaijan for a film shoot. This was also further delayed due to the Azerbaijan plane crash.

Mammootty, in his recent tribute on Facebook, reflected on a pivotal moment that encapsulated the depth of their relationship. Recalling an event in Ernakulam four months ago, Mammootty described how MT lost his balance and leaned on him for support. It was in that brief yet poignant moment that Mammootty felt an overwhelming sense of connection to the writer. “Some people say it was MT who discovered me,” Mammootty wrote. “But I was the one who wanted to meet him, prayed for it, and found him. From the day we met, our bond grew. It expanded like that of a dear friend, a brother,” he wrote.