Unni Mukundan's film 'Marco', which hit theatres on December 20, continues to take the box office by storm. As per movie data trackers, the Malayalam film collected over Rs 34.37 crores in the past ten days till December 30. Though Marco had a limited release in Hindi on the opening day with just

Unni Mukundan's film 'Marco', which hit theatres on December 20, continues to take the box office by storm. As per movie data trackers, the Malayalam film collected over Rs 34.37 crores in the past ten days till December 30. Though Marco had a limited release in Hindi on the opening day with just

Unni Mukundan's film 'Marco', which hit theatres on December 20, continues to take the box office by storm. As per movie data trackers, the Malayalam film collected over Rs 34.37 crores in the past ten days till December 30. Though Marco had a limited release in Hindi on the opening day with just

Unni Mukundan's film 'Marco', which hit theatres on December 20, continues to take the box office by storm. As per movie data trackers, the Malayalam film collected over Rs 34.37 crores in the past ten days till December 30. Though Marco had a limited release in Hindi on the opening day with just 89 screens, the Hindi-dubbed version has reportedly even replaced 'Theri' remake 'Baby John' shows in several theatres in North India. According to industry tracker Taran Adarsh, the movie is currently playng in 350+ screens across North India.

“Marco Hindi version gathers speed. Screen count increases. Box office numbers multiply. Marco, the Malayalam film dubbed in Hindi, has delivered a major surprise. While the UnniMukundan-starrer continues to excel at the Kerala BO, the Hindi version has shown impressive growth during Weekend 2. Marco had a limited release in Hindi, opening on just 89 screens on Day 1 with minimal awareness... However, the fantastic word of mouth led to a significant increase in screen count during Weekend 2.. From 89 screens on Day 1 to 350+ screens on Day 10 [second Sunday], Marco has clearly struck a chord with audiences,” he wrote on X, based on recent figures. Meanwhile, A B George, another industry tracker maintained that 'Marco' has set the box office benchmark for A rated films in Mollywood. 'Marco' is also reportedly the highest-grossing Hindi-dubbed Malayalam film.