Nayanthara whose Netflix documentary 'Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale' has been hugely accepted among the audience recently revealed how veteran filmmaker Fazil was quite disappointed with her performance during the shoot of the 2004 film 'Vismayathumbathu'. She also admitted she was quite

Nayanthara whose Netflix documentary 'Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale' has been hugely accepted among the audience recently revealed how veteran filmmaker Fazil was quite disappointed with her performance during the shoot of the 2004 film 'Vismayathumbathu'. She also admitted she was quite

Nayanthara whose Netflix documentary 'Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale' has been hugely accepted among the audience recently revealed how veteran filmmaker Fazil was quite disappointed with her performance during the shoot of the 2004 film 'Vismayathumbathu'. She also admitted she was quite

Nayanthara, whose Netflix documentary 'Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale' has been hugely accepted among the audience, recently revealed how veteran filmmaker Fazil was quite disappointed with her performance during the shoot of the 2004 film 'Vismayathumbathu'. She also admitted she was frustrated when veteran actor Mohanlal kept on doling out advice to her during the shoot.

“One day, Fazil sir got really upset with me. He told me I didn’t understand how the character has to evolve from within. This was an issue for me since I don’t think in Malayalam. The language of cinema is different from the normal language we speak. Mohanlal sir also kept telling me to emote from inside. This annoyed me and I expressed my fear and anger,” recalled Nayanthara.


She said Mohanlal advised her to fall in love with the dialogues she was saying. “I told him I didn't even know what dialogue I was mouthing. I feel only fear and nothing else. I remember Fazil sir laughed and asked me to take a break,” she said. Though he left after that, he came back and assured her that he trusted her.

“After two hours, he came back and said he trusted me. He told me he wanted solid performance from me and also asked me to take a break for the day and return the next day and perform," she said. Nayanthara said she put in her best effort to make Fazil happy. “He hugged me the next day after my performance and said I made him proud,” she added.