Bala was cruel to his ex-wives: Amrutha Suresh's personal assistant

Kukku claims to be Amrutha's personal assistant. Photos: Facebook

A young woman Kukku Enola who claims to be singer Amrutha Suresh’s personal assistant has made some grave allegations against actor Bala. Kukku alleges that Bala cruelly assaulted Amrutha and Elizabeth, who was the actor’s third wife. She also claims to have listened to a conversation between Amrutha and Elizabeth where the latter had opened up about her life with Bala. Kukku alleges that Bala forced both Amrutha and Elizabeth to have unnatural sex.
“After marrying Amrutha, he tried to convince her that the house is haunted. He destroyed Amrutha’s phone and forced her to cut off contact with her family. He often invited his friends home for drinks and parties. Amrutha was made to cook for them and even washed their dirty plates. He had also sexually assaulted her. Whenever she protested, he beat her until she was bleeding. Amrutha is a victim of marital rape, unnatural sex and sexual abuse. Elizabeth too had suffered similar atrocities.

Elizabeth had called Amrutha and spoke about the pain Bala caused her. He marries helpless women who are too weak to react. He cries on social media, talking emotionally about his daughter. However, he doesn’t love her. He hasn’t even bought a gift for her. It is Amrutha who ensures her daughter is happy. Those who have lived with Bala will not speak up because they are scared. He is cruel and has never been a caring father or a loving husband,” she said.

She claimed that Bala would be arrested if Amrutha and Elizabeth decided to complain about him to the police. "Will any husband threaten to capture his wife's bedroom videos and leak them? I gathered these details from a conversation between Amrutha and Elizabeth. If something happens to Amrutha, Elizabeth, myself or our families, Bala will be responsible for that,’ said Kukku.

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