Government should not have sat on Hema Committee report for 5 years: Mahesh Narayanan

Mahesh Narayanan. Photo: IMDb

Director Mahesh Narayanan recently discussed the Hema Committee report during the Filmmakers Roundtable hosted by The Hollywood Reporter India. He expressed his belief that the Kerala government has failed in addressing the report's findings.

Narayanan highlighted the courage displayed by women in the Malayalam film industry, including actors and assistant directors, who have spoken out since the report's release. "If you give a person a mask, they will speak the truth. Anonymity is crucial; the commission is essential," he stated. He criticised the government for sitting on the report for nearly five years, insisting that this delay was unacceptable. "The report should have been made public, and we should have discussed the next steps," he emphasised, noting that the report covers not only sexual allegations but also the treatment of women in the industry. He urged everyone in Malayalam cinema to unite rather than assign blame.

Director Zoya Akhtar also weighed in, praising the women who came forward. "The Women’s Collective (WCC) stood by their colleague and did not back down, even at the cost of their own safety and career impacts. Their bravery should be celebrated," she remarked. Akhtar stated that the momentum from these revelations should not be wasted. "This should spark a conversation about what is wrong with certain men and why some feel entitled to expect something from women," she added.

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