Dreams do come true: After 20 years, Vidya finally met her idol Mohanlal

Mohanlal and Vidya. Photo: Mazhavil Manorama

When you desire something deeply, the universe seems to conspire to help you achieve it. In that spirit, Vidya from Thiruvananthapuram has turned her dream into reality. After a long wait of 20 years, her wish to meet actor Mohanlal and obtain his autograph from her 10th-grade days finally came true. This momentous occasion was made possible with the support of Mazhavil Manorama.

The magic unfolded during the 'Mazhavil Manorama Entertainment Awards,' organized by Amma and Mazhavil Manorama. It was here that Vidya became known as 'Viral Vidya,' capturing the hearts of many.

After an anxious three-day wait, the moment arrived when Mohanlal stepped into the rehearsal camp. Filled with excitement, Vidya sought assistance from actors Siju and Nadirshah to catch a glimpse of the superstar. As Mohanlal walked by, he turned and uttered a simple word—‘Pinnidakkatte’ (in a while). This brief interaction heightened her anticipation even further.

A little while later, the moment Vidya had longed for came to pass. Mohanlal approached her, asked for her name, and graciously gave her an autograph. Overwhelmed with emotion, her eyes brimmed with tears of joy.
Vidya shared that she lives in Mudavanmugal, Thiruvananthapuram and that Mohanlal's house is just a stone's throw away. When she mentioned that she often looks for him while heading to her tuition classes, the star left her with a warm smile. On her autograph, he wrote, 'Vidya, with love, Mohanlal.'

Even amidst her emotional turmoil, Vidya felt an urgent need to call home and share her happiness. After enjoying a feast, she expressed her satisfaction while pouring payasam into a bowl, savouring the moment of fulfilment that had finally arrived.

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