Sandra Thomas holds off on joining Progressive Filmmakers Association, calls for industry support

Sandra Thomas. Photo: Screengrab/Manorama News

Producer Sandra Thomas has announced that she will not be joining the Progressive Filmmakers Association for the time being. She clarified that her decision is not due to a disagreement with the association's ideas but rather stems from her intention to address ongoing issues within her current organization. Sandra shared her stance with Manorama News, explaining that she will decide on further actions after evaluating the association’s response to the complaint she has filed.

Sandra indicated that she will consider engaging with the Progressive Filmmakers Association only if her current efforts do not lead to a resolution. She also criticised the Producers Association for its lack of action against the release of unauthorised versions of films. Sandra pointed out that the association should prioritise investing in activities that support and sustain the film industry, rather than spending funds on building projects.

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