Cinematographer S Kumar says Mohanlal is the only actor who made him cry during filming

S Kumar, Mohanlal. Photo: Manorama Online

Renowned cinematographer S Kumar has disclosed that Mohanlal is the only actor who has ever made him cry in front of the camera. Kumar, reflecting on his career, believes Mohanlal may be the sole actor in Indian cinema to have moved him to tears during filming. This revelation came during a recent reunion for the film 'Unnikale Oru Kadha Parayam', where Kumar became particularly emotional while discussing past experiences.

Recalling the challenges of shooting the film, Kumar expressed his amazement at how he managed to capture frames that seemed almost impossible at the time. He mentioned the effort it took to reach the filming location at dawn and the pride he felt in his work. Kumar highlighted how the scenes featuring Mohanlal were especially powerful, noting that even the smoke visible in the background was a natural occurrence rather than a special effect.

Kumar shared an anecdote about a dramatic close-up shot involving Nedumudi Venu and Mohanlal. He described hearing a loud sound during the filming, which was actually created by Mohanlal himself. The intensity of the moment was so overwhelming that Kumar had to step away from the set and continued to cry even after the cameras were off.

He praised Mohanlal's performances, particularly in films like Thalavattam and Kireedam, as some of the most emotionally impactful experiences of his career. Kumar's admiration for Mohanlal is clear, reflecting on the actor's unique ability to evoke profound emotions and make working with him a memorable experience.

The reunion for Unnikale Oru Kadha Parayam, organized by Manorama Online and Jain University, was held in Thiruvananthapuram. The event also saw participation from ten child actors who had starred in the film.

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