Sreelekha Mitra wanted to be part of more Malayalam films, but backed out because of Ranjith's behaviour: Joshy Joseph

Sreelekha Mitra. Photo: Instagram

Documentary filmmaker Joshy Joseph revealed that actor Sreelekha Mitra who accused Ranjith of misbehaviour on the sets of Paleri Manikyam had wanted to be a part of more Malayalam movies, but she dropped her plans because of the filmmaker’s behaviour. “She is a wonderful actor. At that time, she was a popular name in Bengali film circles. She had plans to do more Malayalam films, but dropped it due to Ranjith’s misbehaviour. Her collaboration would have added creative value to Malayalam cinema,” he said.
According to him, it was Ranjith who was particular to cast Sreelekha in his movie, unlike his claims that he had only met her for an audition. “Ranjith was particular that Sreelekha Mitra should be part of ‘Paleri Manikyam’. His associate Shankar Ramakrishnan, who is also my good friend, contacted me for this purpose. Since I was the then head of the Films Division, Eastern Region, it was easy for me to get in touch with all the artists in West Bengal. So, I contacted Sreelekha for this purpose. If Ranjith wanted her to audition for the film, like he has claimed now, she could have easily sent a video of her audition to Kerala. Instead, she came to Kerala, because they were particular she should act in the movie,” he said and added that he felt guilty when she first revealed the incident to him soon after it happened.

Sreelekha Mitra. Photo: Instagram

The director added that Sreelekha found her voice now, thanks to the Women in Cinema Collective. “Many people had approached her to speak about the incident six years ago. She asked us all to wait, because she did not have the confidence then. She decided to speak now because of the movement started by the Women in Cinema Collective. We should be proud that the WCC has ensured a space for artists to speak about their bad experiences in cinema,” he said.
Joshy, meanwhile, criticised Cultural Affairs Minister Saji Cheriyan for his stance on the issue. ‘Why is he stating that he will only take action if files a written complaint, when there is so much electronic evidence is front of him. The minister is speaking like a goon,” he said. Joshy also appreciated Sreelekha for her liberal mindset. “She wants Ranjith to own up to his mistake. That is what she seeks. But the government has made it tough for her,” he said.

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