Drug use and harassment not new in cinema: Shine Tom Chacko addresses Hema committee report

Shine Tom Chacko

Actor Shine Tom Chacko recently shared his views on some of the controversial issues highlighted in the Hema Committee report, which delves into drug use and sexual harassment within the film industry. According to Shine, the notion of artists using drugs isn’t a new revelation, and he believes that sexual harassment occurs across all fields, not just in cinema. He also noted that while these issues are serious, there is no widespread coercion of newcomers in the industry.

Shine addressed the media in response to the report, saying, "I paid attention to the details in the Hema Committee report. We’ve always heard that artists are wild and reckless. Is it really a new thing for artists to do these things?" He further said that discrimination in the film industry affects many, not just women, and that this discrimination is often tied to a person's market value rather than gender. "Does a person have a market or business? If so, people are interested in them. If not, there’s no reason to follow them. After all, this is a business sector, isn’t it?" Shine remarked.

He also pointed out that sexual harassment is actually less prevalent in the film industry compared to other fields, as incidents are more likely to be exposed by the media. "Women face sexual harassment in all fields. If there were a commission for every sector, they’d all have many stories to tell," Shine said, emphasizing that the issue is not unique to the entertainment industry.

Shine also stressed the importance of the victims themselves taking the first step in speaking out against harassment. "The woman who faces harassment should be the first to speak out! When she fights back, others will support her. Have you ever seen someone not get support in such cases?" he asked. He also mentioned that complaints typically arise after the harassment has occurred, suggesting that addressing the issue earlier could prevent it from escalating.

Shine acknowledged the issues raised in the Hema Committee report but reiterated his belief that these problems are not exclusive to cinema. "I accept the points mentioned in this report, but in my opinion, these issues aren’t exclusive to the film industry," he clarified.

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