Ram Gopal Varma faces backlash for new video featuring Malayali model Aradhya Devi

Aradhya Devi. Photo | YouTube

Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has released a video featuring Malayali model Aradhya Devi, on YouTube. The video has been titled 'Watering The Dance' and showcases Aradhya dancing in front of a waterfall. Though Aradhya looks beautiful in the video, the post­ has received a lot of backlash. Most of the viewers have targeted the filmmaker for depicting the model Aradhya sensually.
The video is part of Ram Gopal Varma's upcoming movie 'Sari', which was announced on World Sari Day. The filmmaker known for films like 'Siva' had handpicked Sreelakhsmi after he had seen some of her modeling shoots on Instagram.
Aradhya, earlier Sreelakshmi Satheesh and a native of Kottayam, had changed her name post her entry into Ram Gopal's film. The model-turned-actor is dressed in a sultry red sari and blouse in the video. “This is not a dance, just some moves. What is Ram Gopal Varma thinking?,” one person commented.

The filmmaker earned notoriety over the years for his sexually-explicit films and movie promotions, especially during Covid. Many alleged that the actor was making low-standard movies just to make money. The movie 'Sari', bankrolled by Ram Gopal Varma, will be released in five languages.

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