Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible faces delay after budget crosses Rs 3,000 crore: Reports

Tom Cruise. Photo: Instagram

Fans of the Tom Cruise-led Mission: Impossible franchise are in for another wait as the highly anticipated eighth instalment faces an unexpected delay. This time, the setback occurred when a Rs 250 crore submarine encountered a malfunction during filming, significantly impacting the movie's budget.
According to Mirror UK reports, the gimbal responsible for lowering the 120-foot submarine malfunctioned under its substantial weight, necessitating immediate repairs and bringing production to a temporary standstill.

Sources close to the production reveal that the repairs have pushed back the filming schedule by several weeks, further inflating the already staggering budget. The overall budget is now estimated to be nearing Rs 3,324.88 crore.
Expressing frustration, an insider from the production team highlighted the significant financial implications of each day's delay. "They’re not happy as it puts production behind, which costs a lot of money per day," the source stated.
Currently, repairs are underway and are expected to take a few weeks to complete, prolonging the wait for eager fans anticipating the next thrilling instalment of the Mission: Impossible series.

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