The series centres on Inspector Rishi Nandhan (Naveen Chandra) as he investigates a string of murders linked to the elusive forest spirit, Vanaratchi, in the Thaenkaadu forest near Coimbatore.

The series centres on Inspector Rishi Nandhan (Naveen Chandra) as he investigates a string of murders linked to the elusive forest spirit, Vanaratchi, in the Thaenkaadu forest near Coimbatore.

The series centres on Inspector Rishi Nandhan (Naveen Chandra) as he investigates a string of murders linked to the elusive forest spirit, Vanaratchi, in the Thaenkaadu forest near Coimbatore.

Police procedural stories often guarantee success in movies or web series. Add a touch of folklore and horror, and it becomes even more compelling. This week, we have an intriguing suggestion for your weekend binge-watching: the Tamil web series 'Inspector Rishi', starring Naveen Chandra and Sunaina Yella in the lead roles.

The series centres on Inspector Rishi Nandhan (Naveen Chandra) as he investigates a string of murders linked to the elusive forest spirit, Vanaratchi, in the Thaenkaadu forest near Coimbatore. Throughout the show, viewers are treated to a thrilling journey of suspense and discovery.


What makes this series thrilling is its ability to hold your attention from start to finish. Right up to the end, you'll find yourself speculating about the culprit behind the murders. The show cleverly weaves in horror elements, leaving you guessing whether the events are the result of supernatural forces or human actions.

The story progresses at a slow pace, which might test the patience of some viewers, but it manages to hold your interest. One commendable aspect of the story is the ample attention given to each main character. Their individual stories unfold at different points throughout the series.


That said, the series isn't groundbreaking, as it does follow the usual cliché of a climactic reveal towards the end. However, the quality of production and the overall storyline compensate for this.

Another standout feature of the series is undoubtedly the cast. Naveen Chandra delivers an impressive performance as Inspector Rishi. He portrays a complex character, wrestling with his personal demons while leading a challenging investigation. Kanna Ravi excels as Ayyanar, a passionate and intelligent police officer assisting Rishi. Malini Jeevarathnam as Officer Chitra, Sunainaa as Beat Ranger Kathryn, and Srikrishna Dayal as Forest Officer Sathya all deliver outstanding performances in the series.


The creators have been building towards the series finale with each episode, but excessive personal drama has overshadowed the show, which already has a predictable storyline. With ten episodes, the series feels lengthy once the main plot is revealed.

If you're looking to binge-watch some engaging police investigations over the weekend, Inspector Rishi could be a worthwhile choice.
(The series is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video)