Adah Shah-starrer 'The Kerala Story' finally locks its OTT release date

A still from 'The Kerala Story.' Photo | Imdb

Months after its theatrical release, the controversial film 'The Kerala Story' will start streaming on a major OTT platform from this week. The movie, directed by Sudipto Sen had hit theatres last year and was one of the highest grossing films in 2023.

It features Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani and Siddhi Idnani in pivotal roles and delves into the alleged radicalisation and conversion of young Hindu women to another religion in Kerala, forcing them into joining terrorist groups. Though the film generated a lot of positive reviews in North India, the film was condemned by Malayali audiences who criticised the filmmaker for presenting a claim without backing it with proper data.

The movie had hit theatres in May, alongside the Jude Anthony Joseph film '2018', which went on to become India's official entry to the Oscars. Sudipto recently said: "Tackling such a sensitive topic and translating it into a film is no small feat; it's a challenge we willingly embraced. However, every filmmaker wants an assurance about his work and 'The Kerala Story's box office performance was my assurance and gratification to continue to have faith in myself." The film will start streaming on Zee 5 from February 16.

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