28th edition of IFFK to kickstart tomorrow

Pictures from IFFK ceremony held yesterday. Photo: IFFK Website

The 28th edition of the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) is set to commence tomorrow. The inaugural film, 'Goodbye Julia,' directed by Sudanese filmmaker Mohamed Kordofani, will mark the beginning of this cinematic celebration. Distinguished as the first Sudanese film at the Cannes Film Festival, 'Goodbye Julia' received the esteemed Prix de la Liberte (Freedom Award). The narrative intricately unfolds the story of two women, encapsulating the nuanced dynamics and disparities between the northern and southern Sudanese communities.

In a ceremony held yesterday, the IFFK delegate cell was inaugurated by Thiruvananthapuram City Corporation Mayor Arya Rajendran. Expressing the festival's thematic significance, Mayor Arya Rajendran remarked, "The 28th edition of IFFK showcases several films depicting resistance against war and violence, which holds significant relevance in the current scenario."

The festival will also pay homage to 12 legendary filmmakers by featuring screenings of their notable works. Among these, noteworthy entries include the Iranian masterpiece 'A Minor' by Dariush Mehrjui, 'The Tree Goddess' by Sumitra Peries, and 'Cousin Angelica' by Spanish filmmaker Carlos Saura. As a focal point, Cuba will be celebrated at the festival, with the screening of six Cuban films, adding a diverse and international flavor to the cinematic experience.

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