The Haunted Column | Rosy in 'Megasandesam': The comically terrifying ghost of millennial memories

Megasandesam movie posters. Photo: IMDb

Millennials are likely to have a strong acquaintance with 'Rosy,' the character from the Malayalam horror film 'Megasandesam.
Directed by Rajasenan, Meghasandesam's content may now come across as comical due to its portrayal of various absurd occurrences. However, what was it about Rosy that instilled fear in people? In the beginning, Rosy's introduction in the movie portrays her as a non-threatening character. She assumes the role of a playful neighbourhood ghost with a simple desire to be with the man she loves. Nevertheless, in due course, she unveils her genuine self—an amalgamation of both alarming and amusing qualities.

Rosy had a very vengeful nature
Rosy harboured intense jealousy as a ghost and could not bear the thought of another woman, Anjali (Samyuktha Varma), being in Balagopal's (Suresh Gopi) life. She employed typical blackmail tactics in an attempt to frighten Balagopal and dissuade him from marrying or even pursuing Anjali. Unfortunately for Rosy, her efforts met with failure. It is during this period of her unsuccessful attempts to impress Balu that Rosy's character takes a malevolent turn.

Up until then, Rosy was depicted wearing pastel colours such as pink, yellow, and blue. However, once her plans to win over Balu fail, she deliberately chooses darker shades like red and black to express her protest.

Her fondness for hide and seek and jungles
Rosy has a fondness for the game of hide and seek, and she considers the jungle behind Balu’s house her favourite playground. Within the depths of this jungle, Rosy reigns supreme, exerting her influence over every aspect. The jungle itself takes on a sinister nature, maintaining an atmosphere of unpleasantness. Rosy, however, chooses to reveal herself only when Balu is present, reserving her full manifestation exclusively for him. Others who venture into the jungle can merely catch a glimpse or sense the essence of Rosy's presence, but they never truly encounter her directly.

It is strongly advised to avoid crossing paths with Rosy, as she possesses the capability to fatally harm anyone who obstructs her path to being with Balu. However, given that Rosy is a ghost, her notion of eternal companionship with Balu entails a sinister outcome—she intends to bring about Balu's demise. Yes, Rosy's ultimate plan revolves around killing Balu to ensure their eternal togetherness.

Rosy is a shapeshifter too
Rosy possesses a unique ability to transform into different individuals, granting her remarkable power. Not all ghosts share this extraordinary capability though. Despite her spectral nature, Rosy occasionally struggles to convincingly emulate human behaviour during her shapeshifting endeavours. In particular, when she assumes the persona of Suresh Gopi's character in the climactic sequence, she adorns a set of blue eyes, which can be perceived as rather peculiar. Regrettably, Rosy's idiosyncratic behaviour detracts from the true essence and purpose of shape-shifting, rendering her transformations more bizarre than intended.

Rosy can break through walls and glass
In an exceptionally haunting sequence, Rosy demonstrates her terrifying prowess by launching a relentless attack on Samyuktha Varma, cunningly infiltrating the walls and appearing menacingly within the confines of the mirror. Undoubtedly, this particular scene can be hailed as the pinnacle of terror within the entire film. Adding to the eerie ambience, Rosy, in her malevolent spirit form, effortlessly acquires a set of elongated canines. Of course, this clever addition serves to further emphasize her overwhelming capacity for horror.

As if that weren't enough, when Father Rosario (portrayed by Napoleon) attempts to establish communication, Rosy showcases her most unsettling side. Her physical manifestation contorts into disturbing and otherworldly shapes, leaving onlookers suitably petrified. Additionally, she employs a touch of theatrics by shattering glass, ensuring that her unsettling presence is indelibly etched in the minds of all who witness it. Clearly, Rosy possesses an unmatched talent for the art of being 'weird’.

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