Legendary filmmaker Godard's decision to die by assisted suicide sparks debates

French President Emmanuel Macron has announced that there would be a public debate on legalizing euthanasia in France. File photo

It is said that the legendary movie director Jean Luc Godard, who passed away on Tuesday, ended his life on his own free will. A legal spokesperson related to the family revealed that the 91-year-old was carrying out a doctor-assisted suicide as per his request.

A spokeswoman said Godard, who was suffering from multiple serious illnesses, had chosen that way in Switzerland, where medically assisted death is legal. Spouse Mivil was with him at the time. Meanwhile, French media had reported that a relative said Goddard was not ill and had chosen euthanasia because he was tired of life. In a 2014 interview, Goddard had spoken in favour of euthanasia.

Following the family's revelation that Godard was 'euthanized', the practice of medically assisted suicide is once again being discussed in the world. As soon as news of Godard's departure broke, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that there would be a public debate on legalizing euthanasia in France.

Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada and Colombia are the leading countries in the world where euthanasia is legal. Some states in the United States and Australia allow euthanasia with strict conditions. Many other countries have some laws that allow medically assisted dying on rare occasions but are not as liberal as in these countries. Statistics indicate that 1,500 people were euthanized in Switzerland last year alone.

Euthanasia means giving the opportunity to those suffering from serious diseases to end their lives with medical assistance. Euthanasia is performed under the supervision of expert doctors. Countries where euthanasia is legal have implemented strict procedures to prevent abuse in different situations. Laws regarding age limit, mental state to request euthanasia, etc. vary from country to country. It also ensures severe punishment if any selfishness is found in the euthanasia procedure.

Methods of euthanasia include withdrawing treatment and life-saving equipment from patients and leaving them to die (passive euthanasia), performing death using drugs and injections under the supervision of a doctor (active euthanasia), and physician-assisted suicide (Physician Assisted Suicide). The Greek word euthanasia means 'good death'. A large number of people who argue that euthanasia is not moral and should not be implemented are campaigning against it in various countries of the world.

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