Suchitra Mohanlal likes to be called Pranav’s mother

'Everybody else whose names are attached to mine were already established personalities in the industry. But Pranav was raised by me,' says Suchitra Mohanlal. Photo: Facebook

For legendary Tamil film producer and actor Balaji and his wife Anadavalli, January 26th was always a special day. It was their wedding anniversary. Balaji often showered his wife with many precious gifts. For Anandavalli, the most special gift of all was the ticket to the first show of the movie produced by her husband. Anadavalli and her kids would go to the theater that day, which exhibited her husband’s movie and gifted the ticket to someone who had turned up to watch the movie. 

Years passed, Suchitra, Balaji and Anandavalli’s daughter came to the theater on a January 26th, but not as Balaji’s daughter or screen idol Mohanlal’s wife.  She came as the proud mother of Pranav Mohanlal to watch the first show of her son’s debut movie Aadhi. As Aadhi is running to packed cine halls, and critics and audience equally praising Pranav’s performance in the movie, Suchitra couldn’t be happier. 

Daughter of renowned film producer Balaji, sister of Suresh Balaji, who is also a producer, super star Mohanlal’s wife and now you are known as Pranav’s mother. Which role makes Suchitra happy?

I haven’t really thought like this. When I think about it now, my name was always preceded by a great person’s name. Balaji’s daughter, Mohanlal’s wife and Suresh Balaji’s sister; people might not have seen me as Suchitra at all. I feel happy when people identify the names of those who are closer to me with my name. But I must say that when I heard people calling me Pranav’s mother, as I came out of the theater after watching Aadhi, I was extremely proud. Everybody else whose names are attached to mine were already established personalities in the industry. But Pranav was raised by me. I am proud that I have raised him well.

What did Mohanlal say after watching Aadhi?

Lalettan is someone who doesn’t express too much happiness or sadness over anything. He was shooting for a movie in Mumbai on the day of Aadhi's release. He called me up a few times that day, which is very unlikely of him, and told that people were praising Pranav’s performance in Aadhi. Even Antony told that he hadn’t seen Lal sir so tensed before. 

What did Pranav say?

Like his father Appu doesn’t open his heart. He went to the Himalayas two days before the movie’s release. There was no signal for his phone there. On the release day I called him and told that people are appreciating his movie. He just said ‘good, good’, and never talked about the movie anymore. Maya is in America, she has not been able to watch the movie. Both the children are very friendly with each other. In fact, she is his caretaker. 

Was Pranav like this since childhood?

He is a rather shy person and definitely not an extrovert. But if he gets close to someone, he will be there for them. Books, music and journey make his world. In fact, he has chosen his own path. As a mother I do believe that he is in the right path.

Now there is one more person entering the movies from our family. This indeed is a big celebration in our family. Years ago, Priyadarshan had predicted that Appu would become an actor after watching him perform in a school play. Mammooka has blessed Pranav and posted a message on his Facebook page wishing him success. We cannot forget the kind words Dulquer had written on Facebook. It gives us immense joy that all of them are supporting Pranav.