Veteran actress P. Vasanthakumari, better known by her stage name Thodupuzha Vasanthi, has finally found some solace. Onmanorama recently featured the plight of the elderly actress who has been facing a tough time, battling with the tragedies in life.
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In response to it, the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) has come forward to help Vasanthi. The WCC has made a fervent appeal on behalf of the veteran actress who finds herself alone and sick in her old age. The collective offered its support for Vasanthi on their Facebook post.
“You may not be able to recognize Thodupuzha Vasanthi today because you have seen her only in the limelight. She has been isolated by the days of diseases and pain. Her right leg has been amputated after diabetes aggravated. She was then diagnosed with throat cancer. She has undergone 20 radiation sessions so far. Doctors say she might have to go for chemotherapy. But she does not have the money for it.
One of her kidneys is not functioning well. She has hearing problems as well. She needs at least Rs 7 lakh for further medical treatment.
Vasanthi used to work in at least two movies per day up to 2007. She has received a Kerala state award for her performance in the theatre. She has also received a Film Critics Award.
She had to stay away from the cinema after her father Ramakrishnan Nair was diagnosed with cancer. By the time she finally made a comeback after three years, her husband Rajeendran was also diagnosed with cancer. He died in August 2010. Vasanthi lost her mother soon after that.
She could not continue as an actress due to various ailments related to heart and the eyes. She started a dance school when she could not find enough work with cinema. Even that was closed two years ago. She is left with a leaking house and torments of a lifetime.
We cannot turn a blind eye towards the misery of an actress who dedicated a major part of her life to Malayalam cinema. The WCC is with her, with all the help we can offer. You, as a movie lover, should be with her too.
You can send in your contributions to:
Vasanthi P, Account No. 11210100032566, Federal Bank, Thodupuzha, IFSC: FDRL0001121” (sic.)
Thodupuzha Vasanthi, has acted in over 450 movies and also appeared in 16 tele-serials and 100 plays. Vasanthi had started a dance school in her house to earn a living but it was also closed two years ago after her health deteriorated.