


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:41 PM IST

Visuals prove CITU wrong: Synthite official was assaulted

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Kochi: At a time when the chief minister promises rosy days for entrepreneurs in the state, visuals of violence during a CITU strike at the Synthite Industries in Kolenchery have emerged.

Manorama News has accessed video of workers assaulting a plant supervisor as a police team looks on passively. The visuals nail the claim made by the CPM-affiliated trade union that there was no violence at the oleoresin extraction firm during the strike.

The police did not file a case until late Sunday, though the Synthite management had lodged a complaint.

Workers at the company were on strike for a month after the transfer of seven employees to the company's Coimbatore branch. An agreement was worked out late May to end the strike. The CITU now alleges that 18 employees were transferred to Coimbatore on May 30 in violation of the agreement.

The union has announced it will block the entry of employees to the plant in protest. Majority of the employees are reportedly staying away from the strike, which was launched without the mandatory 15-day notice. Complaints have risen that employees who arrived for the night shift on Saturday were blocked and even assaulted.

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