CPM Malappuram secretary terms Anvar's tirade against CM baseless and condemnable

E N Mohandas.
CPM's Malappuram district secretary, E N Mohandas.

Malappuram: The writing on the wall was clear for P V Anvar soon after he turned against Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Thursday. While CPM state secretary M V Govindan declared that the party was severing all ties with Anvar on Friday, the CPM Malappuram district secretary E N Mohandas alleged on Thursday night that Anvar's press meet proved the nexus between him and the gold smuggling mafia. Mohandas also blamed Anvar's statements against the Chief Minister as baseless and condemnable.

"The video Anvar released during the press meet featured notorious gold smuggling carriers. Anvar is attempting to praise these smugglers and protect them. The home department has taken stringent action against the hawala and gold smuggling rackets. The statements of Anvar will only help to demoralise the police and smoothen the smuggling and illegal money transfers," Mohandas said.

"I had asked him to correct such behaviour as the district secretary of CPM. Anvar assured us that he would not make public comments which would benefit the opposition. The latest act by Anvar proved that his words and actions do not match. Anvar has deteriorated to a level that he can shout anything in public," Mohandas said. He also asked the party workers to condemn the statements and actions of P V Anvar.

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