60-year-old Haritha Karma Sena worker injured while fleeing from wild elephants at Munnar

Vellamma (60), a native of New Colony at Munnar. Photo: Special arrangement.

Munnar: A 60-year-old Haritha Karma Sena worker was injured while fleeing from an attack by wild elephants in Munnar on Wednesday.

The incident happened at around 8 am, when Vellamma (60), a temporary worker with the Haritha Karma Sena and a resident of New Colony, was sorting the waste disposed of in an area assigned by the Munnar grama panchayat. Two wild elephants, including Ottakkomboan, approached her. While attempting to flee from the animals, she fell into a nearby pit and suffered injuries, including a leg fracture.

Vellamma was immediately taken to Munnar General Hospital. From there, she was shifted to Rajagiri Hospital in Aluva, Ernakulam, where, according to her son Shekhar, she will undergo an operation on Wednesday night and another three days after.
The elephants were scared away after the estate workers burst crackers and made loud noises.

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