LDF govt should not slash Muslim quota under the pretext of compassionate employment: Mujahid group

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Kozhikode: The LDF government should give up its plan to reduce Muslim reservation in government jobs by pitting Muslim quota against the compassionate employment scheme, said Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen (KNM), an organisation that is part of the Islamic reformist Mujahid Movement.

The organisation, headed by T P Abdullah Koya Madani, passed the resolution after a meeting of its state leaders in Kozhikode.

The government had earlier eaten into the Muslim reservation by assigning the turns of Muslims to persons with disabilities, KNM said. "Muslims are suffering a big loss because their turns are being assigned to other weaker sections," the organisation said. "This is a serious matter," the organisation said.

Kerala has reserved 40% of government jobs for OBCs and the Muslim community is considered an OBC.

Out of every 40 OBC appointments made to posts in the last grade service, 11 are for Ezhavas, Thiyyas and Billavas; 10 are for Muslims; four for Latin Catholics and Anglo-Indians; three for Hindu and Christian Nadars; two for Scheduled Caste converts to Christianity; two for Vishwakarma; two for Dheevaras; and six to other backward classes put together.

For posts outside the last grade service, for every 40 OBC appointments, 14 will be Ezhavas, Thiyyas and Billavas; 12 will be Muslims; four will be Latin Catholics and Anglo Indians; two will be Hindu and Christian Nadars, one will be a Scheduled Caste convert to Christianity; three will be Viswakarmas; one will be Dheevara; and three will be Other Backward Classes put together.

These appointments are made based on a pre-defined rotation. Having said that, the Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has specified that the rotation rule would not apply for the appointments of relatives of government employees who die in service or for the appointment of relatives of military personnel killed, permanently disabled or reported to be missing in action.

In a statement, the Kerala Nadvathul Mujahideen (KNM) said it was unacceptable to strip away the rights granted by the Constitution to the socially disadvantaged Muslim minority community under any pretext. "The government should not feign ignorance when the Muslim quota is reduced due to the inclusion of new, less privileged communities in the quota system," it said.

The Sangh Parivar has already made its agenda clear during the election campaign to end the Muslim reservation, it said. "The state government should not be helping the communal forces that are trying to sabotage the Muslim reservation assured by the Constitution," KNM said.

The meeting was attended by president Abdullah Koya Madani, vice-president P P Unneen Kutty Moulavi, Noor Muhammad Noorsha, Hussain Madavoor, Prof N V Abdul Rahman, and A P Abdu Samad among others.

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