No more caps and gowns for convocation, Health Ministry calls for state-based traditional wear

Yale University graduation ceremonies on Commencement Day on May 18, 2015. Photo: iStock/f11photo

New Delhi: Junking the traditional back robe and cap as a colonial legacy, the Union health ministry has asked all its institutes to design an appropriate Indian dress code for convocation ceremonies based on the traditions of the state where they are located.

Currently, the black robe and cap is being used during convocation by various institutes of the ministry, the communication said. This attire originated in the Middle Ages in Europe and was introduced by the British in all their colonies, it added.

"The above tradition is a colonial legacy which needs to be changed," the communication said.

"Accordingly it has been decided by the ministry that the various institutes of the ministry including AIIMS/INIs engaged in imparting medical education will design (an) appropriate India(n) dress code for the convocation ceremony of their institute - based on local traditions of the state in which the institute is located," the communication stated.

The ministry asked them to submit proposals in this regard which will be approved by the Union health secretary.

Former president APJ Abdul Kalam in the past had said that foreign-inspired black gowns should be done away with and had instead suggested replacing it with indigenous dresses.

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