Kerala’s first 3D concrete printing research lab inaugurated at Saintgits

The 3D Concrete Printing Industrial Research Lab at Saintgits College of Engineering. Photo: Special Arrangement

Kottayam: In a significant milestone for Kerala’s technological and educational landscape, Tvasta Chief Operating Officer Adithya Jain inaugurated the state’s first 3D Concrete Printing Industrial Research Lab at Saintgits College of Engineering. The lab, established in collaboration with Tvasta, a company founded by IIT Madras alumni known for constructing India’s first 3D-printed house, marks a pioneering advancement in construction technology.

Tvasta Chief Operating Officer Adithya Jain inaugurating Kerala’s first 3D Concrete Printing Industrial Research Lab at Saintgits College of Engineering. Photo: Special Arrangement

"The research lab will focus on research, development of new composite materials, updation of the printing process etc.," said Dr. Nivin Philip, head of the research centre and professor of civil engineering at Saintgits. The NBA-accredited Department of Civil Engineering at Saintgits offers a flexible and rich curriculum aimed at preparing engineers for the future.

Students are equally enthusiastic about this development. "As a Civil Engineering student, I feel thrilled to see innovations in this field. It is going to be a great opportunity to learn more about this," remarked Jyothir Kurian, a student in the Department of Civil Engineering.

(The author is a second semester BTech in Civil Engineering student at Saintgits College of Engineering, Kottayam, reporting for Onmanorama as part of our campus outreach programme, Onmanorama Campus Reporter)


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