Unified academic calendar for higher education in Kerala from this year

Representative image: Shutterstock/EduLife Photos

Thiruvananthapuram: In a major move, the Kerala Government has announced that it will implement a unified academic calendar for higher education from the upcoming academic year. In addition, help desks will be set up and a right-to-service charter would be enforced for the benefit of students.

With the academic calendar, the government aims to ensure timely conduct of exams, announcement of results and distribution of certificates. A proper schedule will be followed for all other services related to college students.

The academic calendar was prepared by a panel comprising registrars of all universities in the state. The universities of Kerala, Calicut, MG, Kalady, Kannur and Malayalam will implement the calendar this year.

Currently, confusion and delay often occur in the conduct of exams, announcement of results and distribution of mark-lists and certificates.

Meanwhile, the right-to-service charter will enable students to avail services from universities without hassles.

Similarly, students can get their grievances addressed and doubts cleared at the proposed college and university-level helpdesks. Most of the services would be available online.  

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