JEE Advanced to be held on June 4

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati will be conducting the JEE (Advanced) 2023.
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati will be conducting the JEE (Advanced) 2023.
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati will be conducting the JEE (Advanced) 2023.
New Delhi: The Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) will be conducted on June 4 next year. The registration can be done from April 30 to May 4. The last date for the payment of fees is May 5. The admit card can be downloaded from May 29 onwards.
The response key of the candidates will be available from June 9. The provisional answer key will be published on
June 11. The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JOSAA) counselling will start on June 19.
The applicants should be among the top 2,50,000 ranks in the BTech and BE papers of JEE Main. Those who were born on or after October 1, 1998, are eligible to apply. There is an age relaxation of 5 years for candidates in the SC/ST and persons with disabilities categories.
The exam will be conducted in two parts - Paper 1 and Paper 2 . Both the exams will be of 3-hour duration. Paper 1 will be conducted from 9am to 12 noon, while Paper 2 will be held from 2.30pm to 5.50pm. The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati will be conducting the JEE (Advanced) 2023.
Architecture Aptitude Test on June 21
The applications for the Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) can be submitted from June 18, 2023, till 5pm on June 19. The exam will be conducted from 9am to 12 noon on June 21. The results will be published on June 25.