The shortlist of the mains exam of Streams I and II is expected to be published within a month.

The shortlist of the mains exam of Streams I and II is expected to be published within a month.

The shortlist of the mains exam of Streams I and II is expected to be published within a month.

Thiruvananthapuram: Interview for the Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) is likely to be held in February or March. 

The results of the Stream III's preliminary exams are likely to be announced in two or three days. Subsequently, Stream III’s mains exam will be held next week. The shortlist of the mains exam of Streams I and II is expected to be published within a month.


Select list 

The Public Service Commission (PSC) meet has decided to publish the select list for the posts of electrician grade 2 in PSC and optometrist grade 2 (scheduled tribe) in the health department.



The shortlists for the posts of assistant information officer in public relations department, instructor grade 1 (electrical) in technical education department (engineering colleges), junior instructor (painter general) in the industrial training department, junior instructor (interior decoration and designing - LC/AI, scheduled tribe), and junior instructor (sheet metal worker).


Interview, exam

The interview will be conducted for the post of technical assistant (physical testing) in the industries department. A written test will be held for the post of assistant professor in travel and tourism in the college education department. Also, an online test will be held for the post of assistant professor in cardiology in the medical education department. An OMR test will be conducted for the post of Assistant Engineer (civil - direct & department quota) in the local self-government department.