Protect Your Mom is a cancer awareness campaign that educates women towards regular screening and early detection to find and conquer cancer through kids.

Protect Your Mom is a cancer awareness campaign that educates women towards regular screening and early detection to find and conquer cancer through kids.

Protect Your Mom is a cancer awareness campaign that educates women towards regular screening and early detection to find and conquer cancer through kids.

Kottayam: The BCM College in Kottayam was dipped in pink as part of the Breast Cancer Awareness program organised by the college union in collaboration with 'Protect Your Mom' and 'Hair for Hope on 21 November.' Thirty students donated thirty centimetres of hair each for the cancer patients.

Protect Your Mom is a cancer awareness campaign that educates women towards regular screening and early detection to find and conquer cancer through kids. Skits, speeches, dances, and songs are performed to promote awareness.


Hair for Hope aims to provide free wigs for chemo patients who cannot afford them. Now, cancer patients can fight cancer with self esteem. Also, the knowledge of people coming forward to help and join them with their fight is a great mental boost for them.

'Hair for Hope,' 'Protect your mom' enlighten BCM college on cancer awareness
Hair for Hope aims to provide free wigs for chemo patients who cannot afford them. Photo: Shalu S Nair.

Both these campaigns have been founded by Premi Mathew, who has organized various events across the globe to create awareness. She also influences and inspires students to check themselves and their mothers for any signs of breast cancer.


Megha Kuriakose, an MBA graduate who is a breast cancer survivor visited the college and spoke to the girls about her experiences as a patient and a survivor. She talked about her mental and physical toll during her cancer ordeal and how she faced them.

Both these campaigns have been founded by Premi Mathew, who has organized various events across the globe to create awareness. Photo: Shalu S Nair.

Josephina Simon, the principal of the college talked about how early detection is very crucial for the combat against cancer.


Madonna Mathew, the vice-chairperson, also gave a talk on how to do self examination and detect cancer.

A pink dance and a pink ribbon formation was also conducted. Photo: Shalu S Nair.

A pink dance and a pink ribbon formation was also conducted. Placards and banners along with pink balloons were held to spread awareness. The girls boldly and happily came forward to donate their hair.

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