India govt urged to create a policy to tap growth in app sector

New Delhi: Digital Services Asia 2016 urges Indian government to create a policy to make the most out of the thriving application development market in India.

Currently, India is the world’s second largest user of applications and in 2017-18, the country is expected to have the largest developer base, according to Digital Services Asia 2016.

According to various reports, the revenue from paid apps in 2016 is estimated to touch Rs1,500 crore against Rs900 crore in 2014. While the app downloads are expected to touch a figure of around 10 billion this year, five times more than what it was in 2012.

The Indian touch

“Majority of apps which are based out of other countries are developed by Indians, either working out of India or stationed abroad. This process in itself is a business opportunity, which should be encouraged by the government.” said A. Robert Jerad Ravi, adviser (quality of service) in Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).

“This market is growing multifold with each passing quarter. The apps developer community itself is now 3 lakh and is set to expand drastically with the government initiative of getting apps in local languages,” added Ravi.

The opportunity for apps development market is evident even while smartphone penetration is just 20 per cent of all mobile phone users. With the adoption of 3G and 4G technology, the smartphone market is expected to further accelerate mobile application development in the country. During the inaugural session, it was stated that 80 per cent of applications being downloaded in India are global applications and with 4G, ‘mobile application development’ will turn over a new leaf and will usher in a phase of unprecedented development in this segment.